About JAD Records

Empowering the Songwriter since 1989


Jad Records is fully functional end to end music label with regional and international partners.Our first music release was back in 1989 in the days of tape and vinyl  where we discovered you dident need to be a big label to sell records you just needed a great record,and a belief that trend's and styles come and go(the music goes round)but a great song is a great song and can stand the test of time.

Hence we are a song driven company who produce and publish  only the most naturally written songs.

Meet the team

Employee #1

Jack Sinnott 

Founder and all round bad joke teller

Employee #2

Helen Brooks  accounts

Helen has a look around for spare change in the office,when she's not on holidays

Employee #3

James Styles   Head Of Sales and Promo

James heads up the promo and sales dept with his dog Bruno

Employee #4

Danny De Costa    A&R/publishing

Danny looks after A&R and publishing when the hangover has passed.